Stones of Stenness

Stones of Stenness

This cocktail's fruity notes perfectly bring out the gorgeous whole oranges in Orkney Akvavit. We love how the refreshing caraway balances the tart flavours in this long and bright cocktail.

PREP TIME 5 Minutes
Difficulty Icon


  • 60 ml Orkney Akvavit
  • 30 ml lemon juice
  • 15 ml strawberry syrup
  • 15 ml apricot liqueur
  • Soda (enough to top)

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  1. Combine: add Orkney Akvavit, lemon juice, strawberry syrup, apricot liqueur and soda to a cocktail shaker with ice.
  2. Shake: shake well and strain into a glass filled with crushed ice.
  3. Garnish: add mint.
  4. Enjoy this fruity and unique cocktail!