Blue Duck Rare Vodka 70cl
Blue Duck Vodka undergoes a total of seven distillations, and the distillate is blended with filtered water sourced from a spring underneath the Blue Duck distillery. This results in a seriously smooth, super premium and international award-winning vodka.
Origins: New Zealand, Bay of Plenty
ABV: 43.00%
Type: Plain Vodka
Flavours: Charcoal, Zesty
Allergy Information
This product is free from any allergens that require notification. Suitable for: Vegetarian,
Delivery & Returns
We aim to deliver next day if ordered before 5pm Monday to Thursday. For orders placed on Friday before 5pm, we will attempt to deliver the following Monday and any orders over the weekend with you on Tuesday.
Serving Recommendations
Neat over ice with a good squeeze of lime.
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A rare spirit