Kedu Cocktail

Kedu Cocktail

Experience the Kedu. A delicious cocktail using Equiano Light Rum that marries zesty tropical flavours with a richness and luxury from Champagne and cocoa bitters.

PREP TIME 5 Minutes
Difficulty Icon


  • 50 ml Equiano Light Rum
  • 25 ml freshly lime juice
  • 12.5 ml pineapple syrup
  • Champagne
  • 3 dashes of cocoa bitters
  • Ice cubes
  • Pineapple leaf for garnish

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  1. Prepare the Glass:
    Chill a coupe or martini glass in the freezer or by filling it with ice water.
  2. Shake the Ingredients:
    In a cocktail shaker, add Equiano Light Rum, freshly squeeze lime juice, pineapple syrup and 3 dashes of cocoa bitters.
    Fill the shaker with ice cubes.
  3. Shake Well:
    Shake the ingredients vigorously for about 10-15 seconds to chill the mixture.
  4. Strain into the Glass:Remove the ice from the chilled martini glass.
    Strain the cocktail into the glass using a fine mesh strainer to remove ice shards.
  5. Garnish:
    Top up the glass with Champagne and rest a float a pineapple leaf on top of the cocktail.
  6. Serve:
    Present the Kedu Cocktail and enjoy the tropical, luxurious flavours!